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S. Uyeda, M. Kamogawa, and T. Nagao, Electromagnetic signals of Earthquakes, Complexity in Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and Volcanoes, and Forecasting and Early Warning of their Hazards (ed. William H. K. Lee), Series of Encyclopedia of Complexity and System Science (Editor-in-Chief, Robert Meyers), Springer, 2008 (in press). NEW!

M. Kamogawa, Reply to Comment: "On Ionospheric Earthquake Prediction" by C. Rodger and M. Cliverd., EOS, 88, 248, 2007.

M. Kamogawa, Preseismic Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling, EOS, Vol. 87, Num. 40, 417, 424, Oct. 3, 2006.

長 尾年恭,鴨川 仁,服部克巳,電磁気学的手法による短期的地震前兆の観測的研究の現状,地震 59,69-85,2006.

J. Y. Liu, Y.B. Tsai, K.F. Ma, Y.I. Chen, H.F Tsai, C.H. Lin, M. Kamogawa, C.P Lee, Ionospheric GPS total electron content (TEC) disturbances triggered by the 26 December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 111, No. A5, A0530310.1029/2005JA011200, 2006.

M. Kamogawa, H. Ofuruton & Y. H. Ohtsuki, Earthquake Light: 1995 Kobe Earthquake in Japan, Atmos. Res., 76, 438-444, 2005.
  Elsevier Science Direct, Top 25 hottest articles, No.1 (Atmos. Res., Oct-Dem, 2005)

H. Fujiwara*, M. Kamogawa*, M. Ikeda, J. Y. Liu, H. Sakata, Y. I. Chen, H. Ofuruton, S. Muramatsu, Y. J. Chuo, and Y. H. Ohtsuki, Atmospheric anomalies observed during earthquake occurrences, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L17110, doi:10.1029/2004GL019865, 2004..
    * Co-first authors 

M. Kamogawa, J. Y. Liu, H. Fujiwara, Y. J. Chuo, Y. B. Tsai, K. Hattori, T. Nagao, S. Uyeda, and Y. H. Ohtsuki, Atmospheric Field Variations before the March 31, 2002 M6.8 Earthquake in Taiwan,Terrestrial, Atmospheric, and Oceanic Sciences, 15, 445-461, 2004.


荒 川悦雄, 鴨川仁, 片対数方眼紙の改良が実験授業にもたらしたこと, 大学の物理教育 (日本物理学会), 13-2, 91-94, 2007.

新田英雄,金城啓一,鴨川仁,川角博, 放射線を使って見えないものを見る, 物理教育 ,52(4), 311-314, 2004.
 *本研究は第37回東レ理科教育賞受賞(新 田英雄、業績分担者:金城啓一,川角博,鴨川仁)


鴨川仁, 劉正彦, 長尾年恭, 笠井晶二, 上田誠也, 宇宙から見た地震−地震発光から津波まで、そして先行現象は?−, 地文台によるサイエンス−極限エネルギー宇宙物理から地球科学まで− (梶野文善, 佐藤文隆, 村木綏, 戎崎俊一編), Universal Academy Press, Tokyo, pp. 231-236, 2008 . NEW!