Binary Tree Teaching System
Department of Computer Science and Informatics
Tokyo Gakugei University
This Binary Tree Teaching System presents an algorithm to insert nodes
(with numbers that you choose) into a binary search tree. It uses
animation and program visualization to show how the algorithm works.
- Binary Tree Insert:
- Under the program name is a listing of the C code of the program.
- As the program runs, the currently executing line is highlighted.
- Program Variables:
- Shows the program's variables and their values as the
program runs.
- The main input and output variables and animations of their values
are at the top of this area.
- Input and Output:
- Please type any input to the program in this area.
- Also shows any output the program prints on the console.
- Controls:
- Run:
Press this button to start the program running.
- Stop:
Press this button to pause the program at any
- Step:
Each press of this button makes the program
execute one step.
- Back:
Each press of this button makes the program go
back one step, to see what it did before.
- Reset:
If you want to run the program again from the
start with different input, press this button.
- Speed:
Control the speed of the program when it is
- Algorithm:
Choose which algorithm to visualize.
(There is only one Binary Tree Insertion algorithm in this system, so
this control has no effect.)
- Status:
Shows whether the program is running, stopped,
waiting for input, or if you are looking at previous steps (with
Back). Below the status is a short sentence explaining why the
program is executing each step.
View source code of the Teaching System:
Back to the Teaching System.