Tokyo Gakugei University Research Organization for Next-Generation Education



Departments of Research Organization for Next-Generation Education

’Tokyo Gakugei University Research Organization for Next-Generation Education’ has Departments 1–3 to promote research.

Department 1
Department 1 clarifies achievements and problems of current elementary and secondary education in Japan from a perspective of skill and character development, particularly by video recording of specific examples of classes in each subject, and by analyzing them.
Department 2
Department 2 proposes specific guidelines for evaluation of cross-subject qualities and abilities in actual school education on the assumption that performance and portfolio assessment will be conducted.
Department 3
Department 3 develops methods to evaluate what abilities have been fostered by the three extracurricular activities of ’Moral Education,’ ‘Special Activities,’ and ‘Period for Integrated Studies,’ which are regarded in Japan as activities outside of academic subjects and for which evaluation methods have not been fully established. Evaluation will be done mainly of Character traits such as Citizenship, Morality, and Responsibility.