(Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, 1990 - revision of 1972 version)
A. General Provisions
B. Areas for Training
1) Training Curriculum I (Basic Knowledge and Skills for
Various Education Media)
2) Training Curriculum II (Knowledge and Skills for required
Conducting Training)
a) Basic Course
b) Specialist Course
1. The goals of the Audiovisual Education Media Training Curriculum Standards are designed not just to allow those involved in education to become familiar with the previous educational media but, from the viewpoint of the achievement of educational goals, to also acquire the ability to systematically use the media within the overall educational framework and, in addition to preparing people to be apply organic combinations of the various educational media, to also develop those qualities and abilities expected of leaders in audiovisual education.
2. It is expected that, whenever planning to improve or develop training programmes in the field of audiovisual education, these standards will be used as a guide by personnel attached to boards of education, social education facilities, schools and other organizations involved in audiovisual education, as well as by private individuals who are similarly involved.
3. The items outlined in these standards are separated into two sections : "Training Curriculum I" and "Training Curriculum II".
The content of "Training Curriculum I" is centered around the basic knowledge and skills required for handling the various educational media. This is to include the sum of knowledge and skills related to the educational media which should be required of all social education facility employees, teachers and private directors and guidance personnel.
The content of "Training Curriculum II" is that required for the development of practical leadership in audiovisual education at the regional level. This is to include the sum of knowledge and skills related to training and guidance in educational media which should be required of all directors of social education, guidance directors, audiovisual library employees, and those who are in a position to promote regional audiovisual education or to plan and/or manage training in audiovisual education.
In particular, "Training Curriculum II", in addition to embracing development of those qualities and abilities required of personnel directly involved in training in audiovisual education, also includes a broad range of knowledge and skills related to planning such training, ways of developing regional educational media, and management and directing of audiovisual centres and libraries.
4. For these standards, the sections on general theory included at both levels are designed to deal with new directions in educational media and to highlight the pedagogical significance of applying educational media to instruction.
5. When using the standards in planning training programmes, the backgrounds of those taking the training should be taken into consideration. Furthermore, when selecting the content to be presented, attention should be given to other programmes related to audiovisual education which may have been presented within the same region as well as to the actual situation in relation to the availability of equipment.
6. Because a great deal of time would be required to present the entire contents of Training Curriculum I within a single training session, it is intended that the contents will be divided into training by types of educational media or by the levels of experience of those undergoing the training and spread purposefully over a period of two to three years. Further, attention should be given to possibly permitting those who will be attending the training to select from a variety of programmes.
7. Training Curriculum II concentrates upon the development of leaders in audiovisual education and, of presentation as an intensive programme is possible, attention should be given to covering it in its entirety within one year.
While the "Basic Course" is designed primarily for use at the prefectural or designated city (metropolitan area) level, it is also anticipated that those cities, towns and villages maintaining audiovisual centres will also be able to implement Training Curriculum II as appropriate.
1) Training Curriculum I (Basic Knowledge and Skills for Various Education Media)
General Theory
1. Meaning and Methods of Audiovisual Education 2. Trends in Educational Media 3. Audiovisual Libraries and Centres 4. Basics of Educational Media (to include language laboratories, group response analyzers, etc.) 5. Basics of Information Learning Systems (to include databases, personal computer telecommunications, etc.) 6. Audiovisual Education and Informational Morals (to include copyrights, etc.) 7. Maintaining Audiovisual Materials |
Slides |
Overhead Projector (OHP) | |
Knowledge |
1. The role and functions of slide materials 2. Construction, functions and types of slide projectors 3. Care of slide projectors 4. Trends in preparing slide materials |
1. The role and function of OHP materials 2. Construction, functions and types of OHP projectors 3. Care of OHP projectors 4. Trends in preparing OHP transparencies |
Application |
1. Using various models of slide projectors 2. Preparing the room for showing slides 3. Selecting slide projectors 4. Preparing lessons plans using slides 5. Making your own slides
6. Evaluating instructional slides
1. Using various models of OHPs
2. Preparing the room for showing OHP transparencies 3. Selecting OHPs 4. Preparing lessons plans using OHP transparencies 5. Making your own OHP transparencies 6. Evaluating instructional OHP transparencies |
Radio and TV |
Recordings | |
Knowledge |
1. Characteristics and the educational effectiveness of broadcasting 2. How educational programmes are produced and presented 3. Facilities and equipment for in-school broadcasting 4. Developing the ability to apply broadcasting (instruction in mass communications) |
1. Using recordings in education
2. Characteristics and types of recordings 3. Characteristics and types of playback equipment 4. Characteristics and types of peripheral devices
5. Characteristics and types of video cameras 6. Characteristics and types of recorded materials |
Application |
1. Facilities, equipment and equipment operation necessary to broadcasting 2. Various methods of using radio and TV 3. Preparing lessons plans for utilizing radio and TV 4. Using in-school broadcasting 5. Managing in-school broadcasting 6. Preparing and evaluating
1. Recording and replaying TV programmes
2. Using a video camera
3. Dubbing
4. Simple editing techniques 5. Preparing lessons plans using recorded materials 6. Preparing your own recorded materials 7. Evaluating recorded materials |
Films |
Computers | |
Knowledge |
1. Educational use of films 2. Principles and characteristics of film 3. Film types and formats
4. Design and types of movie projectors 5. Care of movie projectors
6. Methods for presenting film materials 7. Using films in visual education |
1. Educational use of computers 2. Basic capabilities of computers
3. Functions of peripheral devices 4. The role of software
5. Basics of programming languages 6. Capabilities and use of databases |
Application |
1. Operation of projectors 2. Caring for and splicing film
3. Preparing lessons plans utilizing instructional films 4. Establishing and managing film clubs |
1. Basic computer operation 2. Using software a. Using word-processing software b. Using database software c. Using spreadsheets d. Using graphics software e. Using instructional software 3. Preparing lessons plans utilizing computers 4. Functions and use of computer telecommunications |
2) Training Curriculum II (Knowledge and Skills for required Conducting Training)
General Theory |
1. Problems and the Status of Audiovisual Education Today 2. Support of Regional Audiovisual Education Today 3. Developing Cooperation for Use of Educational Media within various Facilities 4. The Meaning of Computers in Education 5. The Meaning of Databases in Education 6. The Meaning of Telecommunications Systems in Education 7. Theory and Techniques of Preparing Instructional Materials 8. Media Instruction (including copyrights, etc.) |
Theories of Educational Media |
1. Audiovisual Education Materials and the Learning Process 2. Selecting and Evaluating Audiovisual Educational Materials (to include CAI materials) 3. Preparing Lessons Plans Incorporating Audiovisual Education Materials 4. Policies and Practices of Using Educational Media 5. Trends in Educational Media a. Trends in Comprehensive Educational Media b. Examples of Multiple-use of Educational Media c. Trends in New Educational Image Environments 6. Combining Audiovisual Educational Equipment and Computers |
Advanced Theories of Educational Media |
(Computers) 1. Operating Systems and Application Software 2. Programming Using Simple Languages 3. Using Authoring Systems to Prepare Instructional Materials 4. Exercises in Using Wordprocessors, Spreadsheets and Graphics Software
(Telecommunications Systems, Databases) 1. Networking Concepts 2. Types of Telecommunications Systems 3. Basics of Information Retrieval 4. Basic Capabilities of Database Systems |
General Theory |
1. Preparing an Audiovisual Education Media Training Curriculum 2. Preparing a Guidance Manual for Audiovisual Educational Media Training 3. Maintenance and Management of Facilities and Equipment 4. Functions and Management of Audiovisual Centres 5. Developing a Cooperative Basis for Study Meetings on the Education Use of Computers 6. Meaning and the Methods of Applying Telecommunications Systems to Education 7. Introducing Database Systems 8. Designing Regional Media Plans |
Theories of Educational Media
1. Developing Guidance Materials for Audiovisual Education 2. Preparing User Manuals 3. Examples of Educational Media a. Comprehensive Educational Media b. Developing Model Educational Materials c. Multiple-use of Educational Media d. Research and Development of Educational Media 4. Functions and Types of Audiovisual Rooms, Language Laboratories and In-school Broadcasting Systems |
Advanced Theories of Educational Media |
(Computers) 1. Planning Computer Training Programmes 2. Software Development
(Telecommunications Systems, Databases) 1. Capabilities and Characteristics of Telecommunications Systems 2. Planning and Creating Databases 3. Maintaining and Managing Databases |
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