Some TIPS at the Initial Stage of Multimedia Software Development Which May Lead You To Be Creative


1. Draw a single scene of a film or a movie with which you have been impressed or which you have still in your mind.

If you are not able to draw it, write down with a single sentence or a single word.

If you have none, then what is the book or music with which you have been impressed ?: write down the title of the book or music, and show a single scene with which you have been impressed in the form of a word, sentence or drawing.


2. Unfortunately indeed, those who have no such films, movies, books, music, consider about the following to draw a imagery or write down in a single word or sentence about what do you want to do to : what is your dissatisfaction, what are you troubled in, what should be solved ?


3. Express in a single word the reason why you have been impressed with, why still in your mind, or why are you troubled, and then write down several words successively.

Ex. communication with parents and children, friendship, human being, balance, social life, .......

These words may lead you to a title of your Multimedia Software.


4. Express and/or draw several imageries which are associated with the original imagery or word or even with the former ones in such a way as why, what else,....

Ex. animal society, "Kinds of Mammals"(Toei Films Co. Ltd. 1987), "American Society and Their Life"(Kyoritu Movie Co. Ltd.), individualism, ..... .

These films, movies, books, sounds, words may useful reference and resource materials which should be included in your Multimedia Software.

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