Tokyo Gakugei University International Student Exchange Center




The International Student Exchange Center serves a wide variety of functions. It offers Japanese-language preparatory education and Japanese studies classes to international students, provides counseling and advice related to both academics and everyday living, and investigates best practices in education. It also creates and provides guidance regarding Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) training programs to teacher training program students and Japanese studies students, and conducts research on best practices in international student education at the university and graduate school levels.

Tokyo Gakugei University (TGU) currently has academic and student exchange agreements with about 60 universities overseas, and about 300 international students are studying at our campus. The Center organizes activities for international students—such as visits to traditional arts facilities and study tours—and promotes interactions between international students, Japanese students and the local community.

In addition to the above, the Center provides essential information, counseling and advice to TGU students who want to study abroad.


Japanese Studies Education Section

This division oversees classes related to Japanese studies. Courses in this section are conducted in English as well as in Japanese. The classes in English are conducted as part of the International Student Education Program (ISEP).

LinkIconInternational Student Education Program (ISEP) Overview

Japanese Language Education Section

TGU offers around sixty different Japanese-language classes each semester, from beginning to advanced levels. These courses are divided into two groups: (a) Japanese language education and (b) Japanese language preparatory education.


(a) Japanese language levels 1–3
These classes are for students with intermediate to advanced Japanese-language skills.
(b) Japanese language preparatory education (Japanese language levels 4 and 5)
These preparatory courses provide intensive beginning level Japanese-language training to government-sponsored MEXT research students and teacher training program students. These classes are also offered to government-sponsored MEXT research students whose goal is to continue their education at the graduate school level at another university.

International Division

The administrative organization is set up so that International Student Office and part of the International Division cooperate closely with the International Student Exchange Center.


The International Division is comprised of four subsections. The International Students Unit and Short-term Exchange Unit handle activities related to international students, and work in partnership with relevant departments throughout the university to conduct the following types of activities:

  • Accept international students
  • Respond to consultations regarding international students
  • Provide scholarships and financial aid for housing and healthcare to international students
  • Manage and operate housing for international students
  • Arrange study-abroad programs for TGU students, and send students abroad
  • Plan and organize events for international students


Director,International Student Exchange Center Professor IWATA Yasuyuki    
Full-Time Teaching Staff
Associate Professor AKIBA Hiroko >>Publications  
Associate Professor ARISAWA Shino >>Publications  
Specially-Appointed Associate Professor INOU Hiroaki >>Publications  
Professor OKA Tomoyuki >>Publications  >>Website
Associate Professor KONISHI Madoka >>Publications  
Professor HUI Harling >>Publications  >>Website
International Division GISEC Staff
Staff, International Planning Unit YOKOO Kazuki
Chief, Student Exchange Unit, Chief NARUTA Michiko
Staff, Student Exchange Unit YAMAMOTO Kotoe
Assistant Staff (Student Exchange Unit) ARAMAKI Yuko
Assistant Staff (Student Exchange Unit) MURAMATSU Asako
Assistant Staff (GISEC) NAKASHIMA Naomi
Chief, International Student Unit SHIOTANI Makoto
Staff,International Student Unit SATO Kumiko
Assistant Staff (International Student Unit) AKIMOTO Tomoko

Getting to the International Student Exchange Center and International Division

4-1-1 Nukui-Kitamachi, Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184-8501
Tokyo Gakugei University International Student Exchange Center
