

Program Descriptions

1.目的 Objectives


Approximately ten foreign students have been admitted to Teacher Training Program each year at Tokyo Gakugei University since the program commenced in 1980. The training program provides individuals in the teaching profession or educational administration overseas with the opportunity to engage in research in their specialized field at the teacher student program of a Japanese university for a period of 18 months. Program participants are expected to bring their research results and experiences in Japan back to their home countries and to further pursue their career in education. The research project is conducted under the guidance of the academic advisor assigned to the student. Those students who do not have an adequate level of Japanese-language proficiency are required to spend their first semester taking an intensive Japanese-language course consisting of 14 classes per week over 15 weeks at the International Student Exchange Center.

2. 研修内容 Program Contents

2-1 専門教育 Specialized Education


In consultation with their academic advisors, students can choose their
subjects according to their interests, research topics and Japanese – language proficiency.

2-2 個人研究 Individual Research


Students are required to conduct their research under the guidance of their academic advisors, and submit their research reports at the end of the program. These reports are then complied for publication.

2-3 見学実習 Off-campus Activities


Students are encouraged to participate in various off-campus activities, such as visit to Tokyo Gakugei University’s affiliated schools, public educational board, cultural exchange events, field trips, and other exchange activities with Japanese students.

2-4 日本理解科目 Japanese Studies Courses


① 年度ごとに指定する科目の中から1科目以上。
② 「日本理解科目A〜H(春学期ACEG、秋学期BDFH)」、「多文化共修科目A~D(春学期AC、秋学期BD)」、「短期留学プログラム(ISEP)講義科目・フィールド科目」のすべての科目の中から1科目以上を履修する。(①+②で2科目以上)


Students MUST take the following at least two subjects to complete the program:

① At least one from Subjects to be announced
② At least one from ‘Japan Studies Subjects A~H’ (ACEG in Spring semester and BDFH in Autumn semester), ‘Co-Learning Multicultural Studies A~D (AC in Spring semester and BD in Autumn semester)’ or ‘ISEP Japanese Studies Subjects.’ (Choose 2 subjects or more from ①+②)

The class schedule and the descriptions are announced at the beginning of each semester. For more details, please refer to the ‘Japanese Studies Courses’ on the website of GISEC.

2-5 特別演習 Special Seminar


A Special Seminar is provided once a week for teacher training students who commenced their studies in October.

2-6 日本語科目 Japanese-Language Courses


Although taking Japanese language subjects is not a part of the requirements of the program, student who wishes to take such subjects may sign up for courses assigned according to the result of a placement test, and will be enrolled in the appropriate class according to the result of the placement test. The list of Japanese - language courses can be found on the following website of the International Student Exchange Center.


2-7 修了証書 Certificate of Completion


Upon completion of the program, each student who successfully fulfills all the requirements with the approval of academic advisor will receive a certificate signed by the president of Tokyo Gakugei University.

Special Study Programs for International Students