What we do

The Research Organization for Next-Generation Education carries out research on how to foster and evaluate student competencies in elementary and junior high school subject lessons.

  You have probably heard the phrase “the period of VUCA”. VUCA is an acronym that stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. It is used to describe the “volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous” world we are about to enter. When we look around in our own society, we can certainly spot many trigger points for VUCA such as heightened exchanges and frictions that result from globalization, environmental problems that threaten our planet’s survival, and progress in technological innovations represented by Artificial Intelligence (AI).

  To thrive in a VUCA world, individuals must be able to use their knowledge and skills for learning, thinking, and collaborating with people from different corners of the world and all walks of life for tackling complex problems that do not have a formulaic answer in various domains of work and everyday life. The capability that these people can demonstrate beyond the knowledge and skills they possess are called “competencies”.

  What can schools do and how should they help their students acquire competencies? What kind of visions should schools have and from what perspective should they envision to push education forward? Our project has conducted various research and fine-tuned practices by asking these questions with the objective to understand “how we may foster and evaluate student competencies through elementary and junior high school subject lessons”. This project will continue to build on past achievements both in quality and quantity to support education practitioners by providing the knowledge and information they need.