Team for Evaluating Student Competencies Overview

  The Evaluation Team is responsible for arriving at methods “to check and evaluate the competencies fostered in school subjects” and “to evaluate agency” following the research conducted by OECD. In terms of the former assessment, we have so far developed evaluation methods for Periods of Integrated Studies (particularly Exploratory Learning), Special Subject Moral Education, and Special Activities and suggested possible ways of utilizing ICT for this purpose (please refer to our book Gakkō de Hagukumu Shishitsu Nōryoku wo Hyōka suru [Evaluating Competencies Fostered Through School Education]), but we plan to expand the scope of our research to include other subjects. For the latter on agency education and evaluation, we plan to consider the latest research by OECD so we can introduce how they can be implemented in the Japanese education system.

  Finally, the Evaluation Team is also developing questionnaire items with which students self-assess their competency acquisition.