


2023年度教員研修留学生研修プログラム 行事写真

Photos from 2023

November 15, 2023 小金井小学校訪問
Visit to Affiliated Koganei Elementary School

December 8, 2023  文楽鑑賞
Visit to Bunraku workshop

December 20, 2023 竹早小学校訪問
Visit to Affiliated Takehaya Elementary School

January 17, 2024  教研生演習のオープンセミナー
Open Seminar

2022年度教員研修留学生研修プログラム 行事写真

Photos from 2022

November 16, 2022 小金井小学校訪問
Visit to Affiliated Koganei Elementary School

December 14, 2022 竹早小学校訪問
Visit to Affiliated Takehaya Elementary School

December 12, 2022  文楽鑑賞教室
A Visit to Bunraku Performance at National Theater

2020年度教員研修留学生研修プログラム 行事写真

Photos from 2020

December 9, 2020  附属小学校との交流
Visit to affiliated elementary school

June 9, 2021 国立劇場にて歌舞伎鑑賞
A visit to Kabuki Performance at National Theatre

December 14,2021 国立劇場にて文楽鑑賞
A Visit to Bunraku Percofmance at National Theater

2019年度教員研修留学生研修プログラム 行事写真

Photos from 2019

October 4, 2019 開講式
Opening ceremony of Teacher Training Program of Year 2019-2021

November 27, 2019 立川防災館見学(留学生グループ写真)
Visit to the Life Safety Center in Tachikawa
(Group of International Students)

January 8, 2020 日本科学未来館見学(留学生グループ写真)
A visit to National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
(Group of International Students)

January 29, 2020 和菓子ワークショップ
The Workshop of Wagashi (Japanese sweets)

Februrary 5, 2020 三鷹の森ジブリ美術館見学(留学生グループ写真)
A visit to Ghibli Museum at Mitaka(Group of international students)

2018年度教員研修留学生研修プログラム 行事写真

Photos from 2018

October 31, 2018 池袋防災館見学
Visit to the Life Safety Center in Ikebukuro

December 12, 2018 附属小学校の交流会
Visit to affiliated elementary school

January 16, 2019 和菓子ワークショップ
Workshop of Japanese Cakes

February 9 ,2019 大相撲トーナメント観戦
Grand Sumo tournament

June 12, 2019 国立劇場にて歌舞伎鑑賞
A visit to Kabuki Performance at National Theatre

2017年度教員研修留学生研修プログラム 行事写真

Photos from 2017

October 4, 2017 開講式
Opening ceremony of Teacher Training Program of Year 2017-2019

October 25, 2017 立川防災館見学
Visit to the Life Safety Center in Tachikawa

November 29, 2017 川越の町見学
Visit to the old town in Kawagoe

December 13, 2017 附属小学校の交流会
Visit to affiliated elementary school

December 15, 2017 ジブリ森の美術館見学
Visit to Ghibli Museum

April〜June, 2018
Gakugei Cafeteria Talks " Culture and Education Abroad”
( guest speaker )

June 13, 2018 国立劇場にて歌舞伎鑑賞
A visit to Kabuki Performance at National Theatre

2015年度教員研修留学生研修プログラム 行事写真

Photos from 2015

October 7, 2015 開講式
Opening ceremony of Teacher Training Program of Year 2015-2017

November 11, 2015 立川防災館見学
Visit to the Life Safety Center in Tachikawa

December 9, 2015 学芸大附属小学校交流活動
An interaction at affiliated primary school

presentations on country and culture

presentations on country and culture

enjoying talking

singing Japanese songs

Q & A time with primary school teachers

group photo of participants

January 20, 2016 江戸東京たてもの園見学
A visit to Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum

June 8, 2016 歌舞伎鑑賞教室
Visit to Kabuki, National Theatre

June 27, 2016 
Gakugei Cafeteria Talks " Culture and Education Abroad”
( guest speaker )

February 27, 2017
Presentation on the Research Reports and Completion Ceremony of Teacher Training Program of Year 2015 - 2017

2014年度教員研修留学生研修プログラム 行事写真

Photos from 2014

February 27, 2015 修了式
Completion Ceremony of Teacher Training Program of Year 2013-2015

2013年度教員研修留学生研修プログラム 行事写真

Photos from 2013

February 28, 2013  教員研修留学プログラムの研究成果報告会
Presentation on the Research Reports of Teacher Training Program of Year 2011-2013

February 28, 2013  修了式
Completion Ceremony of Teacher Training Program of Year 2011-2013

2012年度教員研修留学生研修プログラム 行事写真

Photos from 2012

October 31  池袋防災館見学
Visit to the Life Safety Learning Center in Ikebukuro




December 7  附属小学校交流授業
Interaction with primary school students in the affiliated school


2011年度教員研修留学生研修プログラム 行事写真

Photos from 2011

October 28  池袋防災館見学
Visit to the Life Safety Learning Center in Ikebukuro

目的 防災体験ツアー(地震、消火、煙コーナー)に参加して、防災知識を学ぶため 
Purpose: Gain knowledge of how to prevent disasters through hands-on training program (including sessions on earthquake, firefighting, and dealing with fire-related smoke).

地震に関する映画を見る Watching the movie about earthquakes

池袋防災館にて At the Life Safety Learning Center

November 16  附属小学校交流授業
Interaction with primary school students in the affiliated school

目的 日本人小学生といろいろな国から来た留学生と文化交流をするため
Purpose: Promote cultural interaction between Japanese primary school students and international students.

国の紹介 self-introduction

たこ焼き作り making snacks, Takoyaki ( Octopus balls )

日本伝統の踊り体験 experience the traditional Japanese dance

国の文化紹介 introduction to the culture from students' home countries

質問の時間  interaction with primary school teacher

December   日本語授業  Lesson of Japanese-language study

目的 日本語と日本文化を学ぶため
Purpose: Learn Japanese language and culture

日本語で年賀状を書いている皆さん learning how to write New Year greeting card 日本語で年賀状を書いている皆さん learning how to write New Year greeting card

December   特別演習  Special seminar

目的 日本と海外の教育事情を理解するため
Purpose: Understand issues of education in Japan and other countries

毎週の水曜日に行われるセミナー seminar on every Wednesday毎週の水曜日に行われるセミナー seminar on every Wednesday

February 22 A visit to Ghibli Museum

目的 日本のアニメ文化を理解するため
Purpose: Understand the culture of Japanese animation

Some fans of animation.

June 6 A visit to Kabuki

目的 日本の伝統芸能への理解を深めるため
Purpose: Improve understanding of Japanese traditional performing arts

2010年度教員研修留学生研修プログラム 行事写真

Photos from Year 2010

November 17  附属小学校交流授業
Interaction with affiliated primary school students

目的 日本人小学生といろいろな国から来た留学生と文化交流をするため
Purpose: Promote cultural interaction between Japanese primary school students and international students

小学生との楽しい時間  enjoyable time with Japanese primary students小学生との楽しい時間  enjoyable time with Japanese primary students

Special Study Programs for International Students